西澳大利亚州热带旋风肖恩洪水和破坏Rio Tinto铁矿石关键设施。 Tropical Cyclone Sean floods and damages key Rio Tinto iron ore facilities in Western Australia.
热带旋风肖恩为西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉地区带来创纪录的降雨, 淹没了Rio Tinto的铁路和港口设施。 Tropical Cyclone Sean brought record rainfall to Western Australia's Pilbara region, flooding Rio Tinto's rail and port facilities. 东中间岛港口处理大量铁矿石运输的铁路倾弃车受损,可能停用3至4周。 The East Intercourse Island port's railcar dumper, which handles significant iron ore shipments, was damaged and may be out of service for three to four weeks. 这将影响到第一季度的装运,尽管Rio Tinto的年度装运目标保持不变。 This will impact first-quarter shipments, though Rio Tinto's yearly shipment targets remain unchanged.