热带气旋肖恩在西澳大利亚附近形成,因安全担忧而关闭了主要港口。 Tropical Cyclone Sean forms off Western Australia, closing key ports amid safety fears.
热带气旋肖恩在西澳大利亚皮尔巴拉海岸外形成,由于安全考虑,导致包括丹皮埃和黑德兰港在内的主要港口关闭。 Tropical Cyclone Sean formed off Western Australia's Pilbara coast, prompting the closure of key ports including Dampier and Port Hedland due to safety concerns. 该气旋目前属于第1类,预计会加剧,但仍在岸外,可能造成风暴潮,并破坏Whim Creek和Exmouth之间的风潮。 The cyclone, currently a Category 1, is expected to intensify but remain offshore, potentially causing storm tides and damaging wind gusts between Whim Creek and Exmouth. 建议居民为恶劣的天气状况做好准备,而西澳大利亚西南地区则为极端的热浪做好准备。 Residents are advised to prepare for severe weather conditions, while the south-west of Western Australia braces for an extreme heatwave.