Rio Tinto在气旋前从澳大利亚港口清除船只,中断铁矿石的供应。 Rio Tinto clears ships from Australian ports ahead of cyclones, disrupting iron ore supply.
由于热带气旋逼近,Rio Tinto正在西澳大利亚两个港口清理铁矿石船,使1月份热带气旋Sean正在进行的修理工作复杂化。 Rio Tinto is clearing iron ore ships from two Western Australian ports due to approaching tropical cyclones, complicating ongoing repairs from January's Tropical Cyclone Sean. 这为船舶清除了危险,但增加了系统挑战和高库存水平,有可能影响公司当年铁矿石生产指南。 This clears ships but adds to system challenges and high stock levels, potentially affecting the company's iron ore production guidance for the year. 铁矿石价格略有上升,部分原因是这些航运中断。 Iron ore prices have slightly increased, partly due to these shipping disruptions.