马克·塔卡诺(Mark Takano),公开的同性恋,被任命为众议院教育和劳动委员会成员,以增进男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者及变性者的权利。 Rep. Mark Takano, openly gay, appointed to House Committee on Education and Labor to advance LGBTQ rights.
加利福尼亚州内陆帝国(Inland Empire)众议员马克·高野(Mark Takano)被任命为关键角色,将扩大他对LGBTQ权利的倡导。 Rep. Mark Takano of California’s Inland Empire has been appointed to a key role that will expand his advocacy for LGBTQ rights. Takano是公开的同性恋者,他将在众议院教育和劳动委员会任职,为他提供一个平台,推动支持男女同性恋、双性恋、变性者和跨性别者社群的政策。 Takano, who is openly gay, will serve on the House Committee on Education and Labor, providing him a platform to push for policies supporting the LGBTQ community. 这一行动被视为促进男女同性恋、双性恋和变性者在国会的代表权和权利。 This move is seen as a boost for LGBTQ representation and rights in Congress.