75岁的安妮公主 不记得去年夏天发生的严重马事故 但仍在活动 Princess Anne, 75, has no memory of a severe horse accident last summer but remains active.
查尔斯国王的妹妹安妮公主 不记得去年夏天 她住院了五个晚上的马事故 Princess Anne, King Charles's sister, has no memory of a horse-related accident that hospitalized her for five nights last summer. 事件发生在她的Gatcombe公园庄园,据报当时她正在去看鸡的途中。 The incident occurred at her Gatcombe Park estate while she was reportedly on her way to see chickens. Anne现在已经75岁了, 她对她康复表示感谢, 说每天都是奖金。 Anne, who is now 75, expressed gratitude for her recovery, stating that every day is a bonus. 她还排除了退休的可能性 说这对她来说不是一种选择 She also ruled out retirement, saying it's not an option for her.