尼日利亚中央银行因自动取款机现金短缺而对POS提款和罚款银行实行限制。 Nigeria's Central Bank imposes limits on POS withdrawals and fines banks for ATM cash shortages.
尼日利亚中央银行(CBN)对销售点提款实行每日和每周限额,以打击欺诈行为并使银行业务规范化。 The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has introduced daily and weekly limits on Point-of-Sale (PoS) withdrawals to combat fraud and standardize banking practices. 银行现在把每日提款限制在100 000奈拉,每周提款限制在500 000奈拉。 Banks now limit daily withdrawals to N100,000 and weekly withdrawals to N500,000. 中央银行还因9家银行未能在节日期间确保自动取款机有足够的现金,对9家银行分别处以1.5亿奈拉的罚款。 The CBN also fined nine banks N150 million each for failing to ensure adequate cash at ATMs during the festive period. 这些措施旨在改善银行部门的现金供应和业务效率。 The measures aim to improve cash availability and operational efficiency in the banking sector.