尼日利亚中央银行对支持买卖现金的银行处以罚款,以确保负责任的分配。 Nigeria's Central Bank imposes fines on banks supporting cash hawking to ensure responsible distribution.
尼日利亚中央银行(CBN)正在打击那些通过实施处罚来支持现金买卖的银行。 The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) is cracking down on banks that support cash hawking by imposing penalties. 被判定有罪的银行面临罚款,从被扣押现金价值的10%开始,累犯增加。 Banks found guilty face fines starting at 10% of the seized cash value, with increases for repeat offenses. 中央银行将进行抽查和神秘购物,以监测遵守情况,并确保在节日期间负责任地分配现金,特别是通过自动取款机。 The CBN will conduct spot checks and mystery shopping to monitor compliance and ensure cash is distributed responsibly, especially through ATMs, during the holiday season.