尼日利亚中央银行对POS终端实行新的现金提款限额,以遏制欺诈行为。 Nigeria's Central Bank imposes new cash withdrawal limits on PoS terminals to curb fraud.
尼日利亚中央银行(CBN)对通过销售点终端提取现金规定了新的限额,以促进无现金经济。 The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has introduced new limits for cash withdrawals via Point-of-Sale (PoS) terminals to promote a cashless economy. 现在客户只能每天从POS终端站撤出100 000奈拉和每周500 000奈拉。 Customers are now restricted to withdrawing N100,000 daily and N500,000 weekly from PoS terminals. 代理人的每日现金外出限额为120万奈尔。 Agents are limited to a daily cash-out limit of N1.2 million. 中央银行旨在处理欺诈问题,制定统一的银行标准,对不遵守者严加处罚。 The CBN aims to address fraud and establish uniform banking standards, with strict penalties for non-compliance.