NHL专员Gary Bettman自1993年以来一直在负责,据报告他正准备很快退休。 NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, in charge since 1993, is reportedly preparing to retire soon.
NHL专员Gary Bettman自1993年以来一直领导该联盟,据报告他正准备在未来几年退休。 NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman, who has led the league since 1993, is reportedly preparing to retire in the next couple of years. NHL正在寻找继任者,因为Bettman的任期已从24个小组扩大到32个小组,包括新的温暖天候市场。 The NHL is searching for a successor as Bettman's tenure has seen the league expand from 24 to 32 teams, including new warm-weather markets. 虽然没有正式公告, 有关他退休的讨论已与联盟执行委员会讨论。 While no official announcement has been made, discussions about his retirement have taken place with the league’s executive committee.