新西兰将汽车旅馆的无家可归人数比目标提前削减80%,将许多人迁至更好的住房。 New Zealand cuts motel homelessness by 80% ahead of target, moving many to better housing.
新西兰政府已经超越了提前五年将紧急汽车旅馆住户减少75%的目标。 The New Zealand government has surpassed its goal to reduce households in emergency motels by 75% five years early. 2024年12月,汽车旅馆中的住户数目从2023年12月的3141户降至591户。 In December 2024, the number of households in motels dropped to 591 from 3141 in December 2023. 虽然离开的80%的人搬到了更好的住房,但20%的人仍然下落不明。 While 80% of those leaving moved to better housing, 20% remain unaccounted for. 政府推行政策,优先考虑有子女的家庭和增加社会住房,旨在提供更稳定的生活条件。 The government introduced policies prioritizing families with children and increased social housing, aiming to provide more stable living conditions.