新西兰的住房匮乏情况有所增加,有112 000多人住房需求严重。 New Zealand's housing deprivation rises, with over 112,000 people in severe housing need.
在新西兰,目前约有112 496人(占人口的2.3%)严重缺乏住房,比2018年的99 462人有所增加。 In New Zealand, about 112,496 people, or 2.3% of the population, are now severely housing deprived, up from 99,462 in 2018. 这意味着他们生活在严重不足的住房中,没有条件获得更好的生活条件。 This means they are living in severely inadequate housing with no means to access better living conditions. 从2018年起,没有住房生活的人数也增加了29.5%,有些群体,如太平洋岛屿民族和残疾人尤其受到影响。 The number of people living without shelter also rose by 29.5% from 2018, with some groups, like Pacific peoples and disabled individuals, being particularly affected.