由于成本上升和破产,中国近300万家食品服务企业已关闭。 Nearly 3 million food service businesses in China have closed due to rising costs and bankruptcies.
据自由亚洲电台报道,中国近300万家食品服务企业在过去一年因破产和成本增加而关闭。 Nearly 3 million food service businesses in China have closed in the past year due to bankruptcies and increasing costs, according to Radio Free Asia. 封锁影响到所有部门,从美食到快餐,因为较高的租金和原材料成本给工业带来压力。 The closures affect all sectors, from fine dining to fast food, as higher rents and raw material costs strain the industry. 这一趋势凸显了普通中国消费者面临的财政压力,普通中国消费者在外餐消费较少。 The trend highlights the financial pressures on ordinary Chinese consumers, who are spending less on dining out.