在安大略因在Kelowna的种族灭绝宣传、与2024年犯罪有关的煽动仇恨罪而被捕的男子。 Man arrested in Ontario for genocide promotion, hate incitement related to 2024 crime in Kelowna.
Gregory Joseph Bayliss, 41岁,来自Kelowna, 在安大略Kenora被捕,罪名包括鼓吹种族灭绝、煽动仇恨和威胁,与2024年6月在Kelowna进行的仇恨犯罪调查有关。 Gregory Joseph Bayliss, a 41-year-old from Kelowna, was arrested in Kenora, Ontario, facing charges including promoting genocide, inciting hatred, and making threats, related to a June 2024 hate crime investigation in Kelowna. Kelowna RCMP、OPP、不列颠哥伦比亚检察院和不列颠哥伦比亚警察局当局正在合作,将他送交法庭。 Authorities from Kelowna RCMP, OPP, BC Prosecution Service, and BC Sheriff Service are collaborating to bring him to court. 加拿大皇家骑警(RCMP)没有透露更多细节。 Further details are being withheld by the RCMP.