警方逮捕一名在网上发布针对犹太人和LGBTQ+社区的仇恨信息的人. RCMP arrest man for posting hateful messages targeting Jewish and LGBTQ+ communities online.
魁北克Rivière-du-Louup的加拿大皇家骑警逮捕了一名男子,因为他在Telegram和X等社交媒体平台上张贴了数百个针对犹太社区和性少数群体的仇恨信息。 The RCMP in Rivière-du-Loup, Quebec, has arrested a man for posting hundreds of hateful messages targeting Jewish communities and sexual minorities on social media platforms like Telegram and X. 该嫌疑人以前于2月因类似罪行被捕,并有条件获释,现在面临蓄意煽动仇恨和反犹太主义的指控。 The suspect, who was previously arrested in February for similar offenses and released on conditions, is now facing charges of wilful promotion of hatred and antisemitism. 不能释放他的身份,因为他是未成年人时发生了一些罪行。 His identity cannot be released as some offenses occurred when he was a minor.