爱尔兰警察采用新的、更实用的制服,包括棒球帽和防热外套。 Irish police introduce new, more practical uniforms, including baseball caps and thermal jackets.
爱尔兰警察,爱尔兰警察,从今天开始,正在推出新的制服,包括作业用棒球帽和取暖用热夹克,以取代传统的繁琐的帽子。 Irish police, the Gardaí, are rolling out new uniforms starting today, featuring baseball caps for operational duties and thermal jackets for warmth, replacing the traditional cumbersome cap. 官方的顶顶帽子仍将用于法庭和仪式. The formal peaked cap will still be used for court appearances and ceremonies. 这些变化是数百万欧元升级的一部分,受到警察协会的欢迎,因为警察队伍实现了现代化。 The changes, part of a multi-million euro upgrade, have been welcomed by police associations as modernizing the force.