迪伦・托马斯,24岁, 被判终身监禁 谋杀他的朋友威廉・布什,23岁, 在圣诞节前夕2023年。 Dylan Thomas, 24, sentenced to life for murdering his friend William Bush, 23, on Christmas Eve 2023.
24 岁的迪伦·托马斯 (Dylan Thomas) 是一位馅饼公司大亨的孙子,因在 2023 年平安夜谋杀了他 23 岁的儿时朋友威廉·布什 (William Bush) 而被判处终身监禁,至少有 19 年监禁。 Dylan Thomas, 24, the grandson of a pie company tycoon, has been sentenced to life in prison with a minimum of 19 years for murdering his childhood friend, William Bush, 23, on Christmas Eve 2023. 袭击发生在卡迪夫Llandaff的家中, Thomas患有精神分裂症,在网上搜寻颈部的解剖。 The attack occurred at their home in Llandaff, Cardiff, after Thomas, who suffers from schizophrenia, had searched online for the anatomy of the neck. Bush的家人将这一罪行描述为“野蛮”,并表示希望Thomas永远不会被释放。 Bush's family described the crime as "barbaric" and expressed their hope that Thomas will never be released. Thomas此前曾因闯入白金汉宫被捕。 Thomas had previously been arrested for breaking into Buckingham Palace.