Declan Thomas, 35岁, 被判定因精神障碍谋杀父亲无罪。 Declan Thomas, 35, was found not guilty of murdering his father due to mental impairment.
Declan Sean Thomas, 35岁, 因2020年7月在澳大利亚曼杜拉谋杀父亲Edward Charles Thomas(71岁)被判无罪。 Declan Sean Thomas, 35, was found not guilty of murdering his father, Edward Charles Thomas, 71, in Mandurah, Australia, in July 2020. 尽管Thomas承认使用了煎锅和刀子,但他声称当时精神有缺陷。 Although Thomas confessed to using a frying pan and knife, he claimed mental impairment at the time. Fiona Seaward法官表示同意,认为他不负刑事责任,但因他有心理健康问题和滥用药物的历史,命令他继续羁押,终身监禁。 Justice Fiona Seaward concurred, finding him not criminally responsible, but ordered him to remain in custody under a life imprisonment term due to his history of mental health issues and substance abuse.