被判有罪的杀手弗雷迪·汤普森(Freddie Thompson)因威胁而寻找更安全的审判地点,可能迁至爱尔兰图拉莫尔(Tullamore)。 Convicted killer Freddie Thompson seeks safer trial location due to threats, likely moving to Tullamore, Ireland.
由于安全考虑,被定罪的杀人凶手弗雷迪·汤普森可能会将他的人身攻击审判从Portlaoise转移到爱尔兰的Tullamore,但他提出的将其转移到都柏林的请求被拒绝。 Convicted killer Freddie Thompson may move his assault trial from Portlaoise to Tullamore, Ireland, due to safety concerns, but his request to move it to Dublin was denied. Thompson, 担心来自“Hutch犯罪家庭”的威胁, 认为Portlaoise不够安全。 Thompson, fearing threats from the "Hutch crime family," argues that Portlaoise isn't secure enough. 法院同意Tullmore是一个更安全的替代方案,有一个安全的进入点。 The court agreed Tullamore is a safer alternative, with a secure access point. 最后决定将在2月27日作出。 A final decision will be made on February 27.