加利福尼亚州立大学在民权投诉之后,曾专门为有色人种修改课程。 California State University modifies program once exclusive to men of color after civil rights complaint.
加利福尼亚州立大学更改了一个以前专门为有色人种开设的课程,在向教育部公民权利办公室提出申诉后向所有学生开放。 California State University has altered a program previously exclusive to men of color, opening it to all students after a complaint was filed with the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. 平等保护项目对该方案提出质疑,称其违反了联邦民权法。 The Equal Protection Project challenged the program, arguing it violated federal civil rights laws. 公民权利办公室确认了针对投诉的方案变更。 The Office for Civil Rights confirmed the program changes address the complaint.