英国拒绝在甜菜上使用杀虫剂以保护蜜蜂,五年后首次拒绝。 UK denies pesticide use on sugar beets to protect bees, first such refusal in five years.
英国政府以蜜蜂和其他授粉者的风险为由,拒绝紧急请求在甜菜作物中使用新尼科丁类杀虫剂。 The UK government has denied an emergency request to use a neonicotinoid pesticide on sugar beet crops, citing risks to bees and other pollinators. 这一决定标志着五年来首次出现拒绝此类申请的情况。 This decision marks the first time in five years that such an application has been refused. 尽管可能爆发病毒黄色疫情, 政府仍致力于寻找其他方法保护作物, Despite potential virus yellows outbreaks, the government remains committed to finding alternative methods to protect crops without harming pollinators.