研究揭示了新尼古丁杀虫剂对多种蜜蜂器官的危害,对目前的安全测试提出了挑战。 Study reveals neonicotinoid pesticides harm multiple bee organs, challenging current safety tests.
伦敦玛丽王后大学的研究人员发现,新尼诺类杀虫剂,像布丁一样,以各种方式影响小蜜蜂身体的不同部分,干扰脑部、腿部和肾类组织。 Researchers at Queen Mary University of London found that neonicotinoid pesticides, like clothianidin, affect different parts of bumble bees' bodies in various ways, disrupting brain, leg, and kidney-like tissues. 这表明,目前的农药安全测试可能无法充分捕捉到对蜜蜂的复杂影响。 This suggests that current pesticide safety tests may not fully capture the complex impacts on bees. 该研究呼吁重新评估杀虫剂的使用,以保护重要的授粉者和生态系统。 The study calls for a reevaluation of pesticide use to protect vital pollinators and ecosystems.