一份报告警告说,如果不投资于水基础设施,得克萨斯州将面临损失数千亿经济价值的风险。 Texas risks losing hundreds of billions in economic value without investment in water infrastructure, a report warns.
2036年德克萨斯州的一份新报告警告说,如果不投资于水基础设施,国家经济可能会损失数千亿美元。 A new report by Texas 2036 warns that the state's economy could lose hundreds of billions of dollars if it doesn't invest in water infrastructure. 非营利组织建议为供水项目设立一个与道路项目类似的专项供资渠道,以防止潜在的干旱造成经济损害。 The nonprofit recommends creating a dedicated funding stream for water projects, similar to that for roads, to prevent economic damage from potential droughts. 该小组估计,在今后50年内,改善水基础设施需要1 540亿美元。 The group estimates $154 billion is needed for water infrastructure improvements over the next 50 years.