Petra Diamonds公司出售其在坦桑尼亚受困的Williamson矿场的股份,价值高达1 600万美元。 Petra Diamonds sells its stake in the troubled Williamson mine in Tanzania for up to $16 million.
Petra Diamonds计划将其在坦桑尼亚威廉姆森矿场的全部股份出售给粉红钻石投资公司,价值高达1 600万美元。 Petra Diamonds plans to sell its entire share in the Williamson mine in Tanzania to Pink Diamonds Investment for up to $16 million. 这一举动随着钻石价格的下跌而出现,销售的目的是巩固所有权和利害相关方的利益。 This move comes as diamond prices have dropped, and the sale aims to consolidate ownership and benefit stakeholders. 交易须经监管批准,预计于2025年第一季度结束。 The transaction is subject to regulatory approval and is expected to close in the first quarter of 2025. Petra将把收益用于公司的一般目的。 Petra will use the proceeds for general corporate purposes. 威廉姆森矿面临各种问题,包括监管问题和环境关切。 The Williamson mine has faced issues including regulatory troubles and environmental concerns.