Stoke-on-Trent的26岁妇女和25岁男子因谋杀男婴被捕。 26-year-old woman and 25-year-old man from Stoke-on-Trent arrested for murder of baby boy.
8月27日一名男婴死亡后,一名26岁的妇女和一名来自Stokeon-Trent的25岁的男子因涉嫌谋杀而被捕。 A 26-year-old woman and a 25-year-old man from Stoke-on-Trent have been arrested on suspicion of murder following the death of a baby boy on August 27. 他们最初因造成或允许儿童死亡而被拘留,后来又因谋杀而再次被捕。 Initially detained for causing or allowing the child's death, they were later re-arrested for murder. 探长吉娜·波普正在牵头进行调查,并敦促公众避免在社交媒体上进行投机,强调在这一困难时期家庭需要得到支持。 Detective Inspector Gina Pope is leading the investigation and has urged the public to avoid speculation on social media, emphasizing the family's need for support during this difficult time.