因涉嫌参与奥兰治郡八起持械抢劫而被捕的男子。 Man arrested in Garden Grove for suspected involvement in eight Orange County armed robberies.
一名来自Garden Grove的52岁男子David Zamarripa因涉嫌参与奥兰治县的八起武装抢劫而被逮捕。 A 52-year-old man from Garden Grove, David Zamarripa, has been arrested for suspected involvement in eight armed robberies in Orange County. 警探查明了5起抢劫案的类似模式,从而与确认另外3起吻合案件的其他机构进行了合作。 Detectives identified similar patterns in five of the robberies, leading to collaboration with other agencies that confirmed three more matching cases. Zamarripa在当地一家汽车旅馆被监视期间被捕,并找到了可能与犯罪有关的证据。 Zamarripa was arrested during surveillance at a local motel, and evidence possibly linked to the crimes was recovered.