马来西亚发起在线安全运动,以促进更安全的互联网使用,特别是在儿童中。 Malaysia launches Online Safety Campaign to promote safer internet use, especially among children.
马来西亚通讯部启动了在线安全运动,作为2022年的一项关键方案,旨在促进所有人口群体,特别是儿童使用更安全的互联网。 The Malaysian Ministry of Communications has launched the Online Safety Campaign as a key program for 2022, aiming to promote safer internet use across all demographics, especially children. 该运动最初在一所大学发起,将扩大到大约10,000所中小学和其他机构。 Initially launched at a university, the campaign will expand to about 10,000 primary and secondary schools and other institutions. 它还将与马来西亚皇家警察和社交媒体平台合作,全面处理在线安全问题。 It will also work with the Royal Malaysia Police and social media platforms to address online safety issues comprehensively.