爱尔兰的学生和澳大利亚的一项运动着重于网络安全日的在线安全。 Students in Ireland and a campaign in Australia focus on online safety for Safer Internet Day.
爱尔兰各地的学生正在参加“网络安全因特网日”大使培训方案,以领导在线安全运动。 Students across Ireland are participating in the Webwise Safer Internet Day Ambassador Training Programme to lead online safety campaigns. 主题“准备/保护/感性:控制算法和影响因素”旨在增强年轻人应对在线挑战的能力。 The theme "Prepare / Protect / Thrive: Navigating Algorithms and Influencers" aims to empower young people to handle online challenges. 在澳大利亚, eSafety专员正在发起「不快乐统计」运动, 使用emoji Pie-charts强调网络风险, 包括欺凌与仇恨言论, In Australia, the eSafety Commissioner is launching "The Unhappy Statistics" campaign, using emoji pie-charts to highlight online risks, including bullying and hate speech, ahead of Safer Internet Day.