向查谟和克什米尔下雪地区提供直升机服务将改善紧急准入。 Helicopter services to snowbound areas in Jammu and Kashmir will improve emergency access.
查谟和克什米尔政府计划向Gurez、Karnah和Tangdhar等边远、满雪地区提供直升机服务,以改善连通性。 The Jammu and Kashmir government plans to launch helicopter services to remote, snowbound areas like Gurez, Karnah, and Tangdhar to improve connectivity. 私营喷气服务航空公司在Gurez进行了试运行,计划在其他地区进行类似测试。 A trial run was conducted by Private Jet Serve Aviation in Gurez, with similar tests planned for other regions. 由于大雪和封闭道路无法进入的地区,这项服务将主要侧重于紧急疏散。 The service will mainly focus on emergency evacuations due to the areas being inaccessible from heavy snowfall and closed roads.