Auden Up State公寓火灾造成28人流离失所;红十字会提供援助。 Fire at Auden Upstate Apartments displaces 28; Red Cross provides aid.
斯巴达堡奥登北部公寓发生火灾,28人流离失所。 A fire at the Auden Upstate Apartments in Spartanburg displaced 28 people. 美国红十字会正在提供援助,包括食品、衣服和临时住所,并帮助受影响的个人与基本资源联系起来。 The American Red Cross is providing aid, including food, clothing, and temporary shelter, and is helping connect the affected individuals with essential resources. 火灾详情有限,如果有更多信息,将提供最新情况。 Details on the fire are limited, and updates will be provided as more information is available.