星期天早些时候,在萨凡纳的Oleander Ave发生房屋火灾后,10人流离失所。 Ten people were displaced after a house fire on Oleander Ave in Savannah early Sunday.
星期天清晨在萨凡纳Oleander Ave发生房屋火灾后,10人流离失所。 Ten people were displaced after a house fire on Oleander Ave in Savannah early Sunday morning. 萨凡纳消防局于上午4时18分作出反应,发现房子被火焰吞没,没有报告任何受伤,被扑灭。 The Savannah Fire Department responded at 4:18 a.m. to find the house engulfed in flames, which they extinguished without any reported injuries. 据信火灾是从加热器开始的。 The fire is believed to have started from a heater. 该部门正在向受影响的人提供援助。 The department is offering assistance to those affected.