迪拜的王储强调贸易在该城市的经济成功和全球影响中的重要作用。 Dubai's Crown Prince underscores trade's vital role in the city's economic success and global reach.
迪拜王储Sheikh Hamdan强调,贸易部门是迪拜经济成功和全球影响的关键驱动力。 Sheikh Hamdan, Dubai's Crown Prince, highlighted the trade sector as a key driver of Dubai's economic success and global influence. 他强调了该部门在通过伙伴关系和先进技术促进增长、创新和经济抗御能力方面的作用。 He emphasized the sector's role in fostering growth, innovation, and economic resilience through partnerships and advanced technologies. 与此同时,迪拜国际商会主办了一次会议,协助当地企业在安哥拉、莫桑比克、泰国和菲律宾探索扩展机会,目的是加强迪拜作为全球商业中心的地位。 Meanwhile, the Dubai International Chamber hosted a session to assist local businesses in exploring expansion opportunities in Angola, Mozambique, Thailand, and the Philippines, aiming to bolster Dubai's position as a global business hub.