迪拜商会和中国建筑银行DIFC分行签署一项谅解备忘录,以促进投资合作和支持在迪拜的中国公司。 Dubai Chambers and China Construction Bank DIFC Branch sign a MoU to boost investment cooperation and support Chinese companies in Dubai.
迪拜商会和中国建筑银行DIFC分行签署一份谅解备忘录,以促进投资合作,加强对在迪拜市场扩张的中国公司的支持。 Dubai Chambers and China Construction Bank DIFC Branch sign a MoU to boost investment cooperation and strengthen support for Chinese companies expanding in Dubai's market. 协定的重点是双方交流知识和专长,促进扩大双边合作,开拓新的增长机会,促进两国之间的贸易合作。 The agreement focuses on knowledge and expertise exchange between the two parties, contributing to expanding bilateral cooperation, opening new growth opportunities, and advancing trade cooperation between the two countries. 《谅解备忘录》恰逢阿联酋与中国建立外交关系40周年。 The MoU coincides with the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the UAE and China.