中国副总统与荷兰国王会晤,讨论在出口管制中就全球供应链进行合作的问题。 Chinese VP meets Dutch King to discuss cooperation on global supply chains amid export controls.
中国副总理丁薛祥在海牙会见了荷兰国王威廉-亚历山大,讨论加强相互信任与合作以稳定全球供应链的问题。 China's Vice Premier, Ding Xuexiang, met with the Netherlands' King Willem-Alexander in The Hague to discuss enhancing mutual trust and cooperation to stabilize the global supply chain. 本次会议是继荷兰计划从4月1日起扩大对先进半导体设备的出口管制之后举行的。 This meeting follows the Netherlands' plan to expand export controls on advanced semiconductor equipment starting April 1. Ding强调两国之间加强合作的潜力,有利于全球和平与进步。 Ding emphasized the potential for stronger cooperation between the two countries, beneficial for global peace and progress.