加州房地产经纪人在伊顿火灾后面临哄抬价格的指控。 California realtor faces price-gouging charges following Eaton fire aftermath.
加州的一位房地产商 在伊顿大火后 面临来自州里的价格飙升的指控 A realtor in California is facing charges of price-gouging from the state after the Eaton fire. 房地产商声称存在误解,但当局声称他利用火灾后价格膨胀。 The realtor claims there has been a misunderstanding, but authorities allege he took advantage of the fire's aftermath to inflate prices. 这一事件凸显了灾区商业惯例与消费者保护法之间的紧张关系。 The incident highlights tensions between business practices and consumer protection laws in disaster-stricken areas.