两名男子因违反野火宵禁而面临指控,而LA调查潜在的价格下跌。 Two men face charges for violating a wildfire curfew, while LA investigates potential price gouging.
在40年代中期,两名男子在星期六凌晨4时30分行走,被控在Pacific Palisades违反野火宵禁,面临轻罪指控。 Two men in their mid-40s face misdemeanor charges for allegedly violating a wildfire curfew in Pacific Palisades by walking at 4:30 a.m. on Saturday. 洛杉矶市检察官办公室正在调查受火灾影响地区潜在的价格暴涨问题,要求公众提供提示。 The Los Angeles City Attorney's office is investigating potential price gouging in fire-affected areas, asking the public for tips. 价格暴涨被定义为价格上涨10%以上,可导致最高达一年的监禁和10 000美元的罚款。 Price gouging, defined as a price increase of over 10%, can result in up to a year in jail and a $10,000 fine.