Anchorage的经济预计将在2025年恢复到人口流行前的水平,但面临住房和人口挑战。 Anchorage's economy expected to recover to pre-pandemic levels in 2025, but faces housing and demographic challenges.
Anchorage的经济预计将在2025年恢复到人口流行前的水平,根据Anchorage经济发展公司的说法,就业增长,收入增加。 Anchorage's economy is forecast to recover to pre-pandemic levels in 2025, with job growth and increased incomes, according to the Anchorage Economic Development Corporation. 尽管取得了这些改善,但城市仍面临住房短缺、住房成本上涨和工作年龄人口下降等重大挑战,这可能会阻碍进一步的增长。 Despite these improvements, the city faces significant challenges such as a housing shortage, rising housing costs, and a declining working-age population, which could hinder further growth. 报告强调,需要增加住房,以打击向外移民和无家可归现象,目的是在今后十年内建造10 000所住房。 The report highlights the need for more housing to combat outmigration and homelessness, aiming to build 10,000 homes over the next decade. 建筑、医疗保健和石油等关键部门有望带动就业增长。 Key sectors like construction, healthcare, and oil are expected to lead job growth.