位于查塔努加的田纳西大学启动了由联邦赠款资助的2M美元减少暴力倡议。 University of Tennessee at Chattanooga launches $2M violence reduction initiative funded by federal grant.
位于查塔努加的田纳西大学发起了一项减少暴力倡议,以打击查塔努加的暴力犯罪。 The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) has launched a Violence Reduction Initiative (VRI) to combat violent crime in Chattanooga. 该倡议由副教授Rick Dierenfeldt牵头,将把学术研究与执法工作连接起来。 Led by Associate Professor Rick Dierenfeldt, the initiative will bridge academic research with law enforcement efforts. 由200万美元的联邦赠款资助的查塔努加联合减少暴力方案(CURV)将侧重于通过心理健康服务、家庭支持和青年活动预防暴力。 Funded by a $2 million federal grant, the Chattanooga United to Reduce Violence (CURV) program will focus on preventing violence through mental health services, family support, and youth activities. VRI还将利用数据分析来评价其方案的有效性,以改进今后的努力。 The VRI will also evaluate the effectiveness of its programs using data analysis to improve future efforts.