伯明翰警方公布了七项打击枪支暴力和加强社区安全的新倡议。 Birmingham police unveil seven new initiatives to combat gun violence and boost community safety.
由临时局长迈克尔·皮克特领导的伯明翰警察局发起了七项打击枪支暴力的倡议,包括专门的执法小组、被盗车辆工作队以及与联邦机构的伙伴关系。 Birmingham's police department, led by Interim Chief Michael Pickett, has launched seven initiatives to fight gun violence, including specialized enforcement teams, a stolen vehicle task force, and partnerships with federal agencies. 该计划旨在减少犯罪并加强社区关系。 The plan aims to reduce crime and strengthen community ties. 关键措施涉及针对暴力罪犯,打击非法火器,以及在犯罪高峰时期增加警察存在。 Key measures involve targeting violent criminals, cracking down on illegal firearms, and increasing police presence during peak crime times.