英国计划新的福利欺诈法案,允许 DWP 禁止作弊者驾驶,没收资金。 UK plans new welfare fraud bill allowing DWP to ban cheats from driving, seize funds.
联合王国政府计划提出《公共当局(欺诈、错误和追回)法案》,该法案将赋予工作和养恤金司新的权力,以打击福利欺诈。 The UK government plans to introduce the Public Authorities (Fraud, Error and Recovery) Bill, which will give the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) new powers to combat welfare fraud. 这包括,如果欺诈者拒绝偿还超过1 000英镑的债务,无视一再提出的支付要求,则有能力禁止他们驾驶长达两年的驾驶,禁止他们从事欺骗行为。 This includes the ability to ban benefit cheats from driving for up to two years if they refuse to repay debts over £1,000 and ignore repeated requests to pay. DWP 还将能够直接从欺诈者的银行账户中追回资金,并从那些被认为有足够的资金偿还债务但拒绝偿还的人那里获得银行对账单。 The DWP will also be able to recover money directly from fraudsters' bank accounts and obtain bank statements from those believed to have enough funds to repay debts but refuse to do so. 这些措施的目的是在今后五年内节省15亿英镑的纳税人。 These measures aim to save taxpayers £1.5 billion over the next five years.