联合王国保持了工作场所养老金注册的10 000英镑门槛,引发了关于退休储蓄的辩论。 UK keeps £10,000 threshold for workplace pension enrolment, sparking debate on retirement savings.
联合王国政府决定,在2025-26税年度,将工作场所自动养恤金注册年收入门槛保持在10,000英镑。 The UK government has decided to keep the annual earnings threshold for automatic workplace pension enrolment at £10,000 for the 2025-26 tax year. 养恤金部长Torsten Bell说,这确保该制度在经济上对个人是可行的,雇主负担得起。 Pensions Minister Torsten Bell stated this ensures the system is economically viable for individuals and affordable for employers. 然而,批评者则认为,这种冻结错过了增加缴款和改善许多工人的退休储蓄的机会。 However, critics argue this freeze missed an opportunity to increase contributions and improve retirement savings for many workers.