2名12岁儿童死亡,1人在格鲁吉亚学校附近的公用车辆撞车事件中受伤。 Two 12-year-olds died and one was hurt in a utility vehicle crash near their Georgia school.
格鲁吉亚摩根县中学的两名12岁男孩在公用车撞上一辆停在停车场的拖车时被打死,另有一名男孩受伤。 Two 12-year-old boys from Morgan County Middle School in Georgia were killed and another was injured when their utility vehicle struck a parked trailer. 格鲁吉亚国家巡逻队正在调查老巴克海德路的事故。 The Georgia State Patrol is investigating the accident on Old Buckhead Road. 社区,包括学校官员,向受影响学生和工作人员表示哀悼并提供咨询。 The community, including school officials, expressed condolences and provided counselors for affected students and staff.