格鲁吉亚Troup县Mooty桥路上发生的校车事故造成数名学生受伤。 School bus accident in Troup County, Georgia, on Mooty Bridge Road injures several students.
格鲁吉亚特鲁普县星期四下午发生校车事故,数名学生受伤。 A school bus accident occurred Thursday afternoon in Troup County, Georgia, injuring several students. 这辆载有9名学生的公共汽车在Mooty桥路被翻倒。 The bus, carrying nine students, overturned on Mooty Bridge Road. 坠机原因不明,当局未披露受伤人数或严重程度。 The cause of the crash is unclear, and authorities have not disclosed the number or severity of injuries. 学生被送往当地医院治疗。 Students were transported to local hospitals for treatment. 该地区正在调查之中,由于道路可能关闭,机动车司机应避开Mooty桥路。 The area is under investigation, and motorists are advised to avoid Mooty Bridge Road due to potential road closures.