研究表明,60岁和60岁以上的人未经治疗的高血压将阿尔茨海默氏病的风险提高到42%。 Study reveals untreated high blood pressure in people 60 and older increases Alzheimer's risk up to 42%.
最近发表的一项关于神经学的研究表明,未经治疗的高血压将60岁及60岁以上的人患老年痴呆症的风险增加高达42%。 A recent study published in Neurology suggests that untreated high blood pressure increases the risk of Alzheimer's disease in people aged 60 and older by up to 42%. 研究分析了来自31 000多名参与者的数据,发现未经治疗的高血压者患老年痴呆症的风险比没有高血压者高36%,与接受血压药物治疗的高血压者相比,高血压者的风险高出42%。 Analyzing data from over 31,000 participants, the research found that individuals with untreated high blood pressure had a 36% higher risk of Alzheimer's disease compared to those without hypertension, and a 42% heightened risk compared to those with hypertension who were taking blood pressure medications. 这项研究强调了在晚年控制高血压的重要性,特别是在预计大多数新痴呆症病例将发生在发展中国家的发展中国家。 The study highlights the importance of managing high blood pressure in late life, particularly in developing countries where the majority of new dementia cases are expected to occur.