研究发现,早孕中的产妇压力影响后代多年的压力系统,猴子和人类的情况类似。 Study finds maternal stress in early pregnancy impacts offspring's stress systems for years, similar in monkeys and humans.
对泰国野猴子的研究发现,母亲在早孕期间的高压荷尔蒙水平会影响孩子多年的压力系统。 A study on wild monkeys in Thailand found that high stress hormone levels in mothers during early pregnancy can affect their children's stress systems for years. 研究人员观测猴子9年以上,收集粪便样本,以测量压力激素。 Researchers observed monkeys over nine years and collected fecal samples to measure stress hormones. 这项研究与人类健康有关,表明怀孕初期的产妇压力可能导致后代压力和免疫问题增加,强调在这一关键时刻减少压力的重要性。 The study, relevant to human health, shows that maternal stress early in pregnancy can lead to increased stress and immune issues in offspring, highlighting the importance of reducing stress during this critical time.