孕妇母亲在妊娠晚期皮质醇水平升高会对 7 岁男孩的智商产生负面影响,而尿液皮质醇水平则会提高女孩的智商。 7-year-old boys' IQ negatively affected by higher cortisol in pregnant mothers' third trimester, while urine cortisone levels improve girls' scores.
第 26 届欧洲内分泌学大会的一项研究发现,孕妇妊娠晚期皮质醇水平较高可能会对 7 岁男孩的智商产生负面影响,但不会影响女孩。 A study at the 26th European Congress of Endocrinology found that higher cortisol levels in a pregnant woman's third trimester may negatively affect IQ scores in 7-year-old boys, while not affecting girls. 然而,尿液皮质酮水平较高可以提高女孩的智商。 Higher urine cortisone levels, however, improved IQ scores for girls. 这项研究涉及 943 名孕妇及其 7 岁的孩子,强调了皮质醇在胎儿发育和成年后认知功能中发挥的重要作用。 The research involved 943 pregnant women and their children aged 7 and highlights the significant role cortisol plays in fetal development and cognitive function later in life.