苏格兰群岛的学校现在提供野生鹿肉,以可持续、健康饮食为目的。 Schools in Scottish islands now serve wild venison, aiming for sustainable, healthy eating.
在苏格兰Jura岛和Islay岛的一个试点项目中,学校正在将当地庄园中的野生鹿肉引入菜单。 In a pilot project on Scotland's islands of Jura and Islay, schools are introducing wild venison from local estates to their menus. Argyll和Bute理事会与Wild Jura之间的合作旨在提供一种可持续的、有营养的和当地来源的食品选择。 The collaboration between Argyll and Bute Council and Wild Jura aims to offer a sustainable, nutritious, and locally sourced food option. 鹿肉,蛋白质含量高,饱和脂肪含量低,已受到学生的好评,符合减少食物里程和促进气候友好做法的努力。 The venison, high in protein and low in saturated fat, has been well-received by students and aligns with efforts to reduce food miles and promote climate-friendly practices.