巴基斯坦总理下令以透明方式挑选700名在中国接受现代农业培训的学生。 Pakistan's PM orders transparent selection for 700 students training in China on modern agriculture.
巴基斯坦总理谢巴兹(Shehbaz Sharif)下令对前往中国接受农业培训的学生实行透明、择优选拔程序。 Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif of Pakistan has ordered a transparent, merit-based selection process for students going to China for agricultural training. 政府将支付700名学生的费用,第一批300名学生于3月离开。 The government will cover costs for 700 students, with the first batch of 300 leaving in March. 培训涉及现代技术,如改进灌溉、疾病诊断和农业使用人工智能。 Training covers modern techniques like improving irrigation, disease diagnosis, and using AI in agriculture. 为俾路支学生预留10%的配额。 A 10% quota is reserved for Balochistan students.