巴基斯坦寻求中国帮助发展工业区和基础设施,作为CPEC的一部分。 Pakistan seeks China's help to develop industrial zones and infrastructure as part of the CPEC.
巴基斯坦规划、发展和特别倡议部长Ahsan Iqbal主持了一次会议,审查了中国-巴基斯坦经济走廊(CPEC)的进展情况。 Pakistan's minister for Planning, Development & Special Initiatives, Ahsan Iqbal, chaired a meeting reviewing progress on the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC). 关键的议题包括能源、基础设施、农业和特别经济区。 Key topics included energy, infrastructure, agriculture, and special economic zones. 巴基斯坦请中国开发两个示范工业区,最终确定伊斯兰堡特别经济区的土地。 Pakistan requested China to develop two model industrial zones and finalize land for a special economic zone in Islamabad. 中国承诺为铁路和高速公路项目派遣技术和金融专家,并对培训农业毕业生的进展情况进行了审查。 China committed to sending technical and financial experts for railway and highway projects, with progress on training agriculture graduates also reviewed. 会议强调了农业在巴基斯坦发展规划中的重要性。 The meeting emphasized the importance of agriculture in Pakistan's development plan.