蒙大拿州法案旨在将擅自占地定为刑事犯罪,增加处罚并简化驱逐程序。 Montana bill aims to criminalize squatting, adding penalties and streamlining eviction processes.
蒙大拿州立法者正在审议参议院第101号法案,该法案试图通过规定非法占用刑事犯罪和概述清除程序来加强关于占用的法律。 Montana lawmakers are considering Senate Bill 101, which seeks to strengthen laws on squatting by creating a criminal offense for unlawful squatting and outlining a removal process. 该法案由Sen. Becky Beard提出,还增加了对执法责任的保护,并规定了对虚假租赁索赔的罪名。 The bill, sponsored by Sen. Becky Beard, also adds liability protections for law enforcement and creates an offense for false lease claims. 支持者声称这将增加后果并加快争端的解决,但反对者认为这样做没有必要。 Supporters claim it will add consequences and expedite dispute resolution, but opponents see it as unnecessary.