联邦上诉法院维持对Montana的HB 892的裁决,认为该裁决含糊不清,可能侵犯宪法权利。 Federal appeals court upholds ruling against Montana's HB 892, finding it vague and potentially infringing on constitutional rights.
联邦上诉法院维持一项阻止蒙大拿众议院第892号法案的裁决,该法案旨在通过对在多个地点登记的选民实行处罚,防止双重投票。 A federal appeals court upheld a ruling blocking Montana's House Bill 892, which aimed to prevent double voting by imposing penalties on voters registered in multiple locations. 法院认为,法律过于模糊,可能侵犯宪法权利。 The court found the law overly vague and potentially infringing on constitutional rights. 这项决定支持自1995年以来在蒙大纳禁止双重投票的现行禁令,强调对法律可能阻止选民登记的关切。 This decision supports the existing prohibition against double voting in Montana since 1995, highlighting concerns that the law could deter voter registration.